Building systems#

This section several ways to construct an initial molecular structure. Common choices include:

  • Specifying the structure using the simplified molecular-input line-entry system (SMILES) line notation. A presentation of this technique using VeloxChem is given below

  • Downloading a structure from the protein data bank (PDB)

  • Using a graphical molecular editor, such as Avogadro

import veloxchem as vlx


The interaction with SMILES strings in VeloxChem uses functionalities from the Open Babel package. We will illustrate some of basic SMILES string features.


Remember to make sure to visualize the resulting geometries and ensure they correspond to what you are interested in.

We can obtain the SMILES string of caffeine from Wikipedia and construct a force-field optimized structure.

smiles_str = "CN1C=NC2=C1C(=O)N(C(=O)N2C)C"

caffeine_molecule = vlx.Molecule.read_smiles(smiles_str)

In vlx.Molecule.read_smiles we:

  1. Build the molecule, excluding implicit atoms (hydrogens)

  2. Add hydrogens

  3. Generate conformer

  4. Optimize using the MMFF94 force field

  5. Return the molecule object

A graphical illustration of the molecule is obtained with the show method.

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jupyter labextension install jupyterlab_3dmol

The molecular coordinates can be retrieved as an xyz-string using the get_xyz_string method.

caffeine_xyz = caffeine_molecule.get_xyz_string()


C             -3.246030000000        -1.130310000000         0.025980000000
N             -2.262080000000        -0.077920000000         0.007760000000
C             -2.516750000000         1.268080000000        -0.001470000000
N             -1.402970000000         1.973590000000        -0.005650000000
C             -0.410650000000         1.040380000000        -0.000280000000
C             -0.905090000000        -0.228440000000         0.004840000000
C             -0.080570000000        -1.385890000000         0.010540000000
O             -0.536520000000        -2.525370000000         0.015680000000
N              1.283180000000        -1.078550000000         0.010220000000
C              1.833810000000         0.220410000000         0.006860000000
O              3.056760000000         0.390670000000         0.007920000000
N              0.939960000000         1.291810000000         0.003250000000
C              1.425170000000         2.659750000000         0.004880000000
C              2.230720000000        -2.175770000000         0.018140000000
H             -4.247690000000        -0.693450000000         0.002350000000
H             -3.117910000000        -1.709050000000         0.944170000000
H             -3.099090000000        -1.761200000000        -0.854070000000
H             -3.519330000000         1.677350000000        -0.002970000000
H              2.517080000000         2.705220000000         0.028990000000
H              1.035370000000         3.176560000000         0.887670000000
H              1.073880000000         3.164310000000        -0.900710000000
H              1.742510000000        -3.153400000000         0.018220000000
H              2.861160000000        -2.094140000000         0.909710000000
H              2.871610000000        -2.099260000000        -0.866370000000

In order to immediately get the xyz-object, we can also use:

caffeine_xyz = vlx.Molecule.smiles_to_xyz(smiles_str)

For a 2D-representation:

from IPython.display import SVG

caffeine_molecule.draw_2d(width=300, height=300)

Since the initial conformer and force field optimized structure will have different orientations, the image will look somewhat different each time and this will affect the projection to 2D, particularly so for larger molecules extending in all three dimensions. Still, for many molecules this will work quite well, and you can save the .svg-figure with right-click save.

Bond type#

The basic principle of SMILES is to start at a suitable part of the molecule, and build the full molecule by sequentially describing the connections of each atom/functional group in turn. Hydrogens are typically added implicitly, and thus do not need to be specified. As such, the first four alkanes can simply be written with an increasing number of “C”.

import py3Dmol as p3d

methane_xyz = vlx.Molecule.smiles_to_xyz("C")
ethane_xyz = vlx.Molecule.smiles_to_xyz("CC")
propane_xyz = vlx.Molecule.smiles_to_xyz("CCC")
butane_xyz = vlx.Molecule.smiles_to_xyz("CCCC")

viewer = p3d.view(viewergrid=(2, 2), width=500, height=300, linked=False)
viewer.addModel(methane_xyz, "xyz", viewer=(0, 0))
viewer.addModel(ethane_xyz, "xyz", viewer=(0, 1))
viewer.addModel(propane_xyz, "xyz", viewer=(1, 0))
viewer.addModel(butane_xyz, "xyz", viewer=(1, 1))
viewer.setViewStyle({"style": "outline", "width": 0.05})
viewer.setStyle({"stick": {}, "sphere": {"scale": 0.25}})

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jupyter labextension install jupyterlab_3dmol

Bond types are specified with different symbols between two atoms, with -, =, and #, for single-, double-, and triple-bonds, respectively, and other bond types are possible (see, e.g., Wikipedia). Single bonds is assumed if no bond type is specified.

For example, ethane, ethene, and ethyne are constructed as:

ethane_xyz = vlx.Molecule.smiles_to_xyz("C-C")  # or 'CC'
ethene_xyz = vlx.Molecule.smiles_to_xyz("C=C")
ethyne_xyz = vlx.Molecule.smiles_to_xyz("C#C")

viewer = p3d.view(viewergrid=(1, 3), width=400, height=200, linked=False)
viewer.addModel(ethane_xyz, "xyz", viewer=(0, 0))
viewer.addModel(ethene_xyz, "xyz", viewer=(0, 1))
viewer.addModel(ethyne_xyz, "xyz", viewer=(0, 2))
viewer.setViewStyle({"style": "outline", "width": 0.05})
viewer.setStyle({"stick": {}, "sphere": {"scale": 0.25}})

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jupyter labextension install jupyterlab_3dmol

Branching and substitutions#

Branches are given within paranthesis, as connected to the atom just before the paranthesis. These branches can be nested, for more complex molecules.


Several valid SMILES strings can typically be written for the same molecule.

Hexane and 3-ethylheptane are then written as:

hexane_xyz = vlx.Molecule.smiles_to_xyz("CCCCCC")
ethylheptane_xyz = vlx.Molecule.smiles_to_xyz("CCCCC(CC)CC")

viewer = p3d.view(viewergrid=(1, 2), width=500, height=200, linked=False)
viewer.addModel(hexane_xyz, "xyz", viewer=(0, 0))
viewer.addModel(ethylheptane_xyz, "xyz", viewer=(0, 1))
viewer.setViewStyle({"style": "outline", "width": 0.05})
viewer.setStyle({"stick": {}, "sphere": {"scale": 0.25}})

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jupyter labextension install jupyterlab_3dmol

Substitutions are done by replacing the relevant atom, or adding it to replace an implicit hydrogen. For example, methanol, 1,1-difluoroethene, and 1,2-difluoroethene can be given as:

methanol_xyz = vlx.Molecule.smiles_to_xyz("CO")
difluoro11_xyz = vlx.Molecule.smiles_to_xyz("C=C(F)F")
difluoro12_xyz = vlx.Molecule.smiles_to_xyz("FC=CF")

viewer = p3d.view(viewergrid=(1, 3), width=400, height=200, linked=False)
viewer.addModel(methanol_xyz, "xyz", viewer=(0, 0))
viewer.addModel(difluoro11_xyz, "xyz", viewer=(0, 1))
viewer.addModel(difluoro12_xyz, "xyz", viewer=(0, 2))
viewer.setViewStyle({"style": "outline", "width": 0.05})
viewer.setStyle({"stick": {}, "sphere": {"scale": 0.25}})

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jupyter labextension install jupyterlab_3dmol

Optimization using force field#

Following the construction of a conformer from a SMILES string, it is generally advised to perform a short optimization to obtain a structure close to a local minimum.

As an example, for ethanol the initial conformer will have the OH-group with any rotation to CH\(_3\), and following a force field optimization it takes on the staggered conformation:

ethanol_initial_xyz = vlx.Molecule.smiles_to_xyz("CO", optimize=False)
ethanol_xyz = vlx.Molecule.smiles_to_xyz("CO")

viewer = p3d.view(viewergrid=(1, 2), width=400, height=200, linked=False)
viewer.addModel(ethanol_initial_xyz, "xyz", viewer=(0, 0))
viewer.addModel(ethanol_xyz, "xyz", viewer=(0, 1))
viewer.setViewStyle({"style": "outline", "width": 0.05})
viewer.setStyle({"stick": {}, "sphere": {"scale": 0.25}})

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jupyter labextension install jupyterlab_3dmol

Ring systems#

Ring systems are constructed by labeling part(s) of the ring and then closing the ring by having the SMILES string go back to the labeled atom(s). This can be performed several time, so that, e.g. cyclohexane and norbornane are written as:

cyclohexane_xyz = vlx.Molecule.smiles_to_xyz("C1CCCCC1")
norborane_xyz = vlx.Molecule.smiles_to_xyz("C1C2CCC(C2)C1")

viewer = p3d.view(viewergrid=(1, 2), width=400, height=200, linked=False)
viewer.addModel(cyclohexane_xyz, "xyz", viewer=(0, 0))
viewer.addModel(norborane_xyz, "xyz", viewer=(0, 1))
viewer.setViewStyle({"style": "outline", "width": 0.05})
viewer.setStyle({"stick": {}, "sphere": {"scale": 0.25}})

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jupyter labextension install jupyterlab_3dmol

Aromatic rings can be written by using alternating single and double bonds or using lower-case for the contributing atoms. For example, p-cymene can be written as both:

pcymene1_xyz = vlx.Molecule.smiles_to_xyz("C=C(C)C1=CC=C(C)C=C1")
pcymene2_xyz = vlx.Molecule.smiles_to_xyz("C=C(C)c1ccc(C)cc1")

viewer = p3d.view(viewergrid=(1, 2), width=500, height=200, linked=False)
viewer.addModel(pcymene1_xyz, "xyz", viewer=(0, 0))
viewer.addModel(pcymene2_xyz, "xyz", viewer=(0, 1))
viewer.setViewStyle({"style": "outline", "width": 0.05})
viewer.setStyle({"stick": {}, "sphere": {"scale": 0.25}})

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jupyter labextension install jupyterlab_3dmol

More complex systems#

For more complex molecules, the easiest option is to check if Wikipedia, ChemSpider, or any other digital resources provide the SMILES string. This will work for many common molecules, and for the rest you can either consult more detailed guides on using SMILES and go from there, or use a graphical interface.


No matter which option is chosen, we stress that you should always check that the structure you obtain is reasonably close to what is sought. For some systems you may need to sample many different conformers, and for PDB-files you might have to add hydrogens.

As an example, the structures NADH (left) and NAD\(^+\) (right) are illustrated below, using the SMILES string from Wikipedia. Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide partake in metabolism through the redox reaction:

\[ \mathrm{NADH} \Longleftrightarrow \mathrm{NAD}^+ + \mathrm{H}^+ + 2\mathrm{e}^- \]

The resulting conformers need to be corrected, but we see that the general structure and the location of the hydrogen at the nicotinamide ring is correct.

nadh_xyz = vlx.Molecule.smiles_to_xyz(
nadp_xyz = vlx.Molecule.smiles_to_xyz(

viewer = p3d.view(viewergrid=(1, 2), width=600, height=200, linked=False)
viewer.addModel(nadh_xyz, "xyz", viewer=(0, 0))
viewer.addModel(nadp_xyz, "xyz", viewer=(0, 1))
viewer.setViewStyle({"style": "outline", "width": 0.05})
viewer.setStyle({"stick": {}, "sphere": {"scale": 0.25}})

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jupyter labextension install jupyterlab_3dmol

Using a structure downloaded from the PDB databank#

from urllib.request import urlopen

# Specify the PDB ID you want to download
ID = '1AOI'
url = '' + ID + '.pdb'

with urlopen(url) as fh:
    pdb ='utf-8')

view = p3d.view()
view.setStyle({"stick": {}, "sphere": {"scale": 0.25}})

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jupyter labextension install jupyterlab_3dmol