Rovibronic states#

The sum-over-states expressions for response functions are expressed in terms of the exact rovibronic eigenstates of the molecular Hamiltonian in the absence of external fields. These states are rarely available in practical calculations, where instead electronic states are employed. However, for a diatomic system, we can determine the rovibrational wave functions and the associated transition moments and energies.

Adopting the adiabatic Born–Oppenheimer approximation, the total molecular rovibronic wave function takes the form of a product

\[ \Psi_{K, k}(\mathbf{r}, \mathbf{R}) = \Phi_{K;k}(\mathbf{R}) \Psi_K^\mathrm{e}(\mathbf{r}; \mathbf{R}) \]

where \(K\) and \(k\) are indices identifying the electronic and rovibrational levels, respectively. For a diatomic system, the rovibrational wave function is in turn separated into its vibrational, \(\psi\), and rotational, \(\psi_\mathrm{r}\), components

\[ \Phi_{K;k}(\mathbf{R}) = \psi_k(R) \psi_{\mathrm{r}; k}(\theta,\phi) \]

where \(k\) is understood as a compound index uniquely identifying a given rotational level of a given vibrational state.

Rotational Schrödinger equation#

The Schrödinger equation for diatomic molecule with fixed bond length equals

\[ - \frac{\hbar^2}{2\mu R_0^2} \left[ \frac{1}{\sin\theta}\frac{\partial}{\partial \theta} \left(\sin\theta \frac{\partial}{\partial \theta} \right) + \frac{1}{\sin^2\theta} \frac{\partial^2}{\partial \phi^2} \right] \psi_\mathrm{r}(\theta,\phi) = E \, \psi_\mathrm{r}(\theta,\phi) \]

or, equivalently,

\[ \frac{\hat{L}^2\psi_\mathrm{r}(\theta,\phi)}{2\mu R_0^2} = E \, \psi_\mathrm{r}(\theta,\phi) \]

where \(\hat{L}^2\) is the square of the total angular moment operator. The angles \(\theta\) and \(\phi\) describe the orientation of the diatomic molecule with respect to a laboratory-fixed coordinate system and \(\mu\) is the reduced mass defined as

\[ \mu=\dfrac{M_A M_B}{M_A + M_B} \]

The eigenfunctions to the total angular momentum operator are known to the the sperical harmonics, \(Y_J^M(\theta, \phi)\), and the associated rotational energies are given by

\[ E_J = \frac{\hbar^2 J(J+1)}{2\mu R_0^2} = B J(J+1) \]

introducing the rotational constant \(B\). We note that rotational levels are \((2J+1)\)-fold degenerate.

Transitions between rotational levels are classified according to

  1. Q-branch: when \(\Delta J = 0\)

  2. R-branch: when \(\Delta J = +1\)

  3. P-branch: when \(\Delta J = -1\)

Numerov’s method and the vibrational Schrödinger equation#

Numerov’s method can be employed to solve 1D differential equations using finite differences on a grid of points. It applies to a differential equation on the form

\[ \frac{d^2 y}{dx^2} = -g(x)y(x) + s(x) \]

This method will be used to solve the vibrational part of the Schrödinger equation that for the lowest rotational level (\(J=0\)) takes the form

\[ - \dfrac{\hbar^2}{2\mu} \dfrac{\partial^2\psi(R)}{\partial R^2} +V(R) \psi(R) = E \psi(R) \]

For notational convenience, we introduce \(x = (R - R_0)\) to arrive at

\[ \psi^{\prime \prime} (x) = - k^{2} (x) \psi (x) \]


\[ k^{2} (x) = \dfrac {2\mu} {\hbar^{2}} [ E - V (x) ] \]

The values of the wave function in three equidistant points separated by \(h\) are related as

\[ \psi(x_{i+1}) = \dfrac{ \psi(x_{i}) \left( 2 + \dfrac {10 h^{2}} {12} k^{2}(x_{i}) \right) - \psi(x_{i-1}) \left( 1 - \dfrac {h^{2}} {12} k^{2}(x_{i-1}) \right) }{ 1 - \dfrac {h^{2}} {12} k^{2}(x_{i+1}) } \]

from which solutions are found by the algorithm

  1. Guess the energy \(E_\mathrm{guess}\)

  2. For \(E_\mathrm{guess}\), determine the classically allowed interval [\(x_a,x_b\)] inside \(V(x)\)

  3. Pick two points \(x_\mathrm{min}\) and \(x_\mathrm{max}\) far into the classically forbidden region and impose the wave function to be zero at these points

  4. Determine iteratively the wave functions inside the interval \([x_\mathrm{min}, x_\mathrm{max}]\):

    1. If \(\psi(x_a)<\epsilon\) and \(\psi(x_b)<\epsilon\), accept the wave function

    2. If not, renew the energy guess

Numerov’s method in VeloxChem#

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import veloxchem as vlx

We will use HCl as an example.

mol_str = """
Cl   0.0     0.0   0.0
H    1.274   0.0   0.0

molecule = vlx.Molecule.read_molecule_string(mol_str, units="angstrom")

basis_set_label = "6-31+G"
basis =, basis_set_label)

scf_settings = {"conv_thresh": 1.0e-6}
method_settings = {"xcfun": "b3lyp", "grid_level": 4}

The following settings are available for the Numerov solver in VeloxChem.

num_drv = vlx.NumerovDriver()
                  pec_displacements             sequence       PEC scanning range [bohr]                                  
                  pec_potential                 string         potential type for fitting                                 
                  reduced_mass                  float          reduced mass of the molecule                               
                  el_transition                 boolean        include an electronic transition                           
                  final_el_state                integer        final state of the electronic transition                   
                  exc_conv_thresh               float          excited state calculation threshold                        
                  n_vib_states                  integer        number of vibrational states to be resolved                
                  temp                          float          temperature in Kelvin                                      
                  n_rot_states                  integer        number of rotational states to be resolved                 
                  conv_thresh                   float          convergence threshold for vibronic energies                
                  max_iter                      integer        max. iteration number per vibronic state                   
                  n_margin                      float          negative margin of the grid [bohr]                         
                  p_margin                      float          positive margin of the grid [bohr]                         
                  steps_per_au                  integer        number of grid points per Bohr radius                      

We will determine the potential on an interval of

numerov_settings = {
    "n_vib_states": 4,
    "pec_displacements": "-0.3 - 0.9 (0.2)",
    "el_transition": "no",
    "pec_potential": "morse",
    "n_rot_states": 10,
num_drv.update_settings(numerov_settings, scf_settings, method_settings)
num_results = num_drv.compute(molecule, basis)
                                           Potential Energy Curve Driver Setup                                            
                              Number of Geometries          : 7                                                           
                              Wave Function Model           : Spin-Restricted Kohn-Sham                                   
                              SCF Convergece Threshold      : 1.0e-06                                                     
                              DFT Functional                : B3LYP                                                       
                              Molecular Grid Level          : 4                                                           
               *** Geometry 1/7:  Initial state converged                                                                 
               *** Geometry 2/7:  Initial state converged                                                                 
               *** Geometry 3/7:  Initial state converged                                                                 
               *** Geometry 4/7:  Initial state converged                                                                 
               *** Geometry 5/7:  Initial state converged                                                                 
               *** Geometry 6/7:  Initial state converged                                                                 
               *** Geometry 7/7:  Initial state converged                                                                 
               Potential Energy Curve Information                                                                         
                                               rel. GS energy                                                             
               Bond distance:     1.1152 angs      0.85540 eV                                                             
               Bond distance:     1.2211 angs      0.16191 eV                                                             
               Bond distance:     1.3269 angs      0.00000 eV                                                             
               Bond distance:     1.4328 angs      0.13406 eV                                                             
               Bond distance:     1.5386 angs      0.42849 eV                                                             
               Bond distance:     1.6444 angs      0.80534 eV                                                             
               Bond distance:     1.7503 angs      1.21628 eV                                                             
                                                   Numerov Driver Setup                                                   
                                         Number of Vibrational States : 4                                                 
                                         Energy Convergence Threshold : 1.0e-12                                           
                                         Max. Number of Iterations    : 1000                                              
                                         Grid Points per Bohr Radius  : 500                                               
                                         Margin right of scanned PEC  : 1.50                                              
                                         Margin left of scanned PEC   : 0.50                                              
               *** Vibronic state 0 converged in 113 iterations                                                           
               *** Vibronic state 1 converged in 169 iterations                                                           
               *** Vibronic state 2 converged in 164 iterations                                                           
               *** Vibronic state 3 converged in 142 iterations                                                           
               *** All vibronic states converged for the initial electronic state                                         
               Rovibronic IR Spectrum                                                                                     
                           Excitation energy    Oscillator strength                                                       
               P Branch                                                                                                   
                                2615.49 cm-1            3.94747e-09                                                       
                                2595.85 cm-1            5.44302e-09                                                       
                                2576.21 cm-1            5.73424e-09                                                       
                                2556.57 cm-1            5.04621e-09                                                       
                                2536.93 cm-1            3.83968e-09                                                       
                                2517.28 cm-1            2.56958e-09                                                       
                                2497.64 cm-1            1.52708e-09                                                       
                                2478.00 cm-1            8.10791e-10                                                       
                                2458.36 cm-1            3.86134e-10                                                       
               Q Branch                                                                                                   
                                2635.13 cm-1            5.86084e-08                                                       
               R Branch                                                                                                   
                                2654.77 cm-1            1.37859e-09                                                       
                                2674.42 cm-1            3.76177e-09                                                       
                                2694.06 cm-1            5.18696e-09                                                       
                                2713.70 cm-1            5.46448e-09                                                       
                                2733.34 cm-1            4.80881e-09                                                       
                                2752.98 cm-1            3.65905e-09                                                       
                                2772.62 cm-1            2.44870e-09                                                       
                                2792.26 cm-1            1.45524e-09                                                       
                                2811.91 cm-1            7.72648e-10                                                       
                                2831.55 cm-1            3.67969e-10                                                       

The results are stored in a dictionary.

dict_keys(['grid', 'potential', 'psi', 'vib_levels', 'excitation_energies', 'oscillator_strengths'])
grid = num_results["grid"]
potential = num_results["potential"]

vib_psi2 = num_results["psi"] ** 2
vib_energies = num_results["vib_levels"]

exc = num_results["excitation_energies"]
osc = num_results["oscillator_strengths"]

The vibrational levels can be plotted against the potential energy curve.

fig, ax1 = plt.subplots()

for energy, psi2 in zip(vib_energies, vib_psi2):
    ax1.plot(grid, energy + psi2, "k")

ax = plt.subplot()
ax.plot(grid, potential)
ax.set_ylim(-0.001, 0.05)
ax.set_xlabel("Displacements [Å] respect to the input structure")
ax.set_ylabel("Energy [a.u.]")


Rovibrational spectra#

Once we have the vibrational wave functions we can calculate the dipole transition moments

\[  \mu^{fi} = \langle \psi_{f} | \mu(R) | \psi_{i} \rangle \]

where \(\mu(R)\) is the electronic dipole moment at internuclear separation distance \(R\).

Only the first transition dipole moment (corresponding to the Q-branch) is relevant and the rest are negligible. We will obtain the fine structure by deriving the rotational excited states for the R and P branches.

Applying the rotational selection rules derived before for the rigid rotor, we get the P-branch (\(\Delta J = -1\))

\[ E = \hbar \omega_{\text{stretch}} + \left( \dfrac{h^2}{8\pi^2I} \right)((J - 1)J - J(J + 1)) = \hbar \omega_{\text{stretch}} -2\left( \dfrac{h^2}{8\pi^2 I} \right)J \]

and the R-branch (\(\Delta J = +1\))

\[ E = \hbar \omega_{\text{stretch}} + \left( \dfrac{h^2}{8\pi^2I} \right)((J+1)(J+2) - J(J + 1)) = \hbar \omega_{\text{stretch}} + 2\left( \dfrac{h^2}{8\pi^2I} \right)(J + 1) \]


\[ I = \frac{m_a m_b}{m_a + m_b} R^2 \]

VeloxChem takes care of the spectra and the branches storing the data on the keys: excitation_energies and oscillator_strengths.

As well, computes the dipole moment for every point of the potential energy curve

ax1 =["P"], osc["P"], width=5.0, label="P-Branch")
ax2 =["R"], osc["R"], width=5.0, label="R-Branch")
plt.xlabel("Excitation energies in cm-1")
plt.ylabel("Oscillator strength")

Vibronic transitions#

In this case, we want to consider the transition dipole moments between rovibrational states in different electronic states. The expression for the transition dipole integral will in this case involve the ground, \(|0\rangle\), and final, \(|F\rangle\), electronic states.

Expanding the electronic transition moment in a Taylor series about the equilibrium distance of the ground electronic state, we get

\[ \mu^{F0}(R) = \mu_{F0}(R_0) + \left. \dfrac{\partial \mu^{F0}}{\partial R} \right|_{R_{0}} (R - R_{0}) + \cdots . \]

Truncating this expansion to first and second order are known as the Frank–Condon and Herzberg–Teller approximations, respectively. We will here adopt the former.

num_drv = vlx.NumerovDriver()

numerov_settings = {
    "n_vib_states": 3,
    "pec_displacements": "-0.3 - 0.9 (0.2)",
    "el_transition": "yes",
    "final_el_state": 2,
    "pec_potential": "morse",
num_drv.update_settings(numerov_settings, scf_settings, method_settings)
num_results = num_drv.compute(molecule, basis)
                                           Potential Energy Curve Driver Setup                                            
                              Number of Geometries          : 7                                                           
                              Wave Function Model           : Spin-Restricted Kohn-Sham                                   
                              SCF Convergece Threshold      : 1.0e-06                                                     
                              DFT Functional                : B3LYP                                                       
                              Molecular Grid Level          : 4                                                           
                              Targeted Exicted State        : 2                                                           
                              Excited State Threshold       : 1.0e-04                                                     
               *** Geometry 1/7:  Initial state converged,  Final state converged                                         
               *** Geometry 2/7:  Initial state converged,  Final state converged                                         
               *** Geometry 3/7:  Initial state converged,  Final state converged                                         
               *** Geometry 4/7:  Initial state converged,  Final state converged                                         
               *** Geometry 5/7:  Initial state converged,  Final state converged                                         
               *** Geometry 6/7:  Initial state converged,  Final state converged                                         
               *** Geometry 7/7:  Initial state converged,  Final state converged                                         
               Potential Energy Curve Information                                                                         
                                               rel. GS energy  rel. ES energy                                             
               Bond distance:     1.1152 angs      0.85540 eV     11.00371 eV                                             
               Bond distance:     1.2211 angs      0.16191 eV     10.18856 eV                                             
               Bond distance:     1.3269 angs      0.00000 eV      9.77836 eV                                             
               Bond distance:     1.4328 angs      0.13406 eV      9.68682 eV                                             
               Bond distance:     1.5386 angs      0.42849 eV      9.83574 eV                                             
               Bond distance:     1.6444 angs      0.80534 eV     10.11225 eV                                             
               Bond distance:     1.7503 angs      1.21628 eV     10.28673 eV                                             
                                                   Numerov Driver Setup                                                   
                                         Number of Vibrational States : 3                                                 
                                         Energy Convergence Threshold : 1.0e-12                                           
                                         Max. Number of Iterations    : 1000                                              
                                         Grid Points per Bohr Radius  : 500                                               
                                         Margin right of scanned PEC  : 1.50                                              
                                         Margin left of scanned PEC   : 0.50                                              
               *** Vibronic state 0 converged in 104 iterations                                                           
               *** Vibronic state 1 converged in 169 iterations                                                           
               *** Vibronic state 2 converged in 163 iterations                                                           
               *** All vibronic states converged for the initial electronic state                                         
               *** Vibronic state 0 converged in 103 iterations                                                           
               *** Vibronic state 1 converged in 134 iterations                                                           
               *** Vibronic state 2 converged in 148 iterations                                                           
               *** All vibronic states converged for the final electronic state                                           
               UV/vis Absorption/Emission Spectrum                                                                        
                             Excitation energy    Oscillator strength                                                     
                                 78431.04 cm-1            2.62970e-01                                                     
                                 80560.28 cm-1            5.18422e-02                                                     
                                 82592.21 cm-1            3.98799e-03                                                     
                                 78431.04 cm-1            2.62970e-01                                                     
                                 75795.91 cm-1            1.01134e-01                                                     
                                 73268.40 cm-1            6.47555e-03                                                     
dict_keys(['grid', 'i_potential', 'i_psi', 'i_vib_levels', 'f_potential', 'f_psi', 'f_vib_levels', 'excitation_energies', 'oscillator_strengths'])
grid = num_results["grid"]

dE_elec = np.min(num_drv.pec_energies["f"]) - np.min(num_drv.pec_energies["i"])

gs_potential = num_results["i_potential"]
gs_vib_psi2 = num_results["i_psi"] ** 2
gs_vib_energies = num_results["i_vib_levels"]

es_potential = num_results["f_potential"]
es_vib_psi2 = num_results["f_psi"] ** 2
es_vib_energies = num_results["f_vib_levels"]

exc = num_results["excitation_energies"]
osc = num_results["oscillator_strengths"]
displacements = num_drv.pec_displacements
gs_energies = num_drv.pec_energies["i"]
es_energies = num_drv.pec_energies["f"]

delta_E = np.min(es_energies) - np.min(gs_energies)

The vibrational levels can be then plotted against the potential energy curves:

fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 10))

for energy, psi2 in zip(gs_vib_energies, gs_vib_psi2):
    ax1.plot(grid, energy + psi2, "k")

for energy, psi2 in zip(es_vib_energies, es_vib_psi2):
    ax1.plot(grid, delta_E + energy + psi2, "k")

ax = plt.subplot()
ax.plot(grid, gs_potential)
ax.plot(grid, es_potential + delta_E)
ax.set_xlim(-0.8, 2.0)
ax.set_ylim(-0.01, 0.45)
ax.set_xlabel("Displacements [Å] w.r.t. input structure")
ax.set_ylabel("Energy [a.u.]")

Now we can just plot the spectrum by representing the results from the driver:["emission"], osc["emission"], width=500.0, label="emission")["absorption"], osc["absorption"], width=500.0, label="absorption")

plt.xlabel("Excitation energies in cm-1")
plt.ylabel("Oscillator strength")

User defined potential#

As an alternative to the automatized determination of potential energy curves and transition moments, these may be instead be determined separately, perhaps with a highly accurate post-Hartree–Fock approach. The method read_pec_data is then used.

As a simple illustration, we will use two harmonic potentials and transition moment that is independent of nuclear displacements.

num_drv = vlx.NumerovDriver()
x = np.arange(-0.7, 2.01, 0.1)

delta_E = 0.2

bond_lengths = x + 2.0
gs_energies = 0.75 * x**2
es_energies = 0.5 * (x - 0.35) ** 2 + delta_E

tmom = [0, 0, 1.0]
trans_moments = [tmom for displacement in x]
num_drv.read_pec_data(bond_lengths, trans_moments, gs_energies, es_energies)


numerov_settings = {
    "n_vib_states": 10,
    "el_transition": "yes",
    "final_el_state": 1,
    "pec_potential": "harmonic",
num_drv.update_settings(numerov_settings, scf_settings, method_settings)
num_results = num_drv.compute()
                                                   Numerov Driver Setup                                                   
                                         Number of Vibrational States : 10                                                
                                         Energy Convergence Threshold : 1.0e-12                                           
                                         Max. Number of Iterations    : 1000                                              
                                         Grid Points per Bohr Radius  : 500                                               
                                         Margin right of scanned PEC  : 1.50                                              
                                         Margin left of scanned PEC   : 0.50                                              
               *** Vibronic state 0 converged in 120 iterations                                                           
               *** Vibronic state 1 converged in 194 iterations                                                           
               *** Vibronic state 2 converged in 193 iterations                                                           
               *** Vibronic state 3 converged in 190 iterations                                                           
               *** Vibronic state 4 converged in 191 iterations                                                           
               *** Vibronic state 5 converged in 187 iterations                                                           
               *** Vibronic state 6 converged in 188 iterations                                                           
               *** Vibronic state 7 converged in 194 iterations                                                           
               *** Vibronic state 8 converged in 195 iterations                                                           
               *** Vibronic state 9 converged in 200 iterations                                                           
               *** All vibronic states converged for the initial electronic state                                         
               *** Vibronic state 0 converged in 103 iterations                                                           
               *** Vibronic state 1 converged in 172 iterations                                                           
               *** Vibronic state 2 converged in 167 iterations                                                           
               *** Vibronic state 3 converged in 170 iterations                                                           
               *** Vibronic state 4 converged in 170 iterations                                                           
               *** Vibronic state 5 converged in 167 iterations                                                           
               *** Vibronic state 6 converged in 172 iterations                                                           
               *** Vibronic state 7 converged in 173 iterations                                                           
               *** Vibronic state 8 converged in 171 iterations                                                           
               *** Vibronic state 9 converged in 167 iterations                                                           
               *** All vibronic states converged for the final electronic state                                           
               UV/vis Absorption/Emission Spectrum                                                                        
                             Excitation energy    Oscillator strength                                                     
                                 43314.88 cm-1            5.67445e-04                                                     
                                 46035.10 cm-1            3.61293e-03                                                     
                                 48755.33 cm-1            1.10780e-02                                                     
                                 51475.56 cm-1            2.17810e-02                                                     
                                 54195.79 cm-1            3.08405e-02                                                     
                                 56916.02 cm-1            3.34778e-02                                                     
                                 59636.25 cm-1            2.89534e-02                                                     
                                 62356.48 cm-1            2.04635e-02                                                     
                                 65076.70 cm-1            1.20261e-02                                                     
                                 67796.93 cm-1            5.94669e-03                                                     
                                 43314.88 cm-1            5.67445e-04                                                     
                                 39983.29 cm-1            2.56212e-03                                                     
                                 36651.70 cm-1            5.98373e-03                                                     
                                 33320.12 cm-1            9.60179e-03                                                     
                                 29988.53 cm-1            1.18635e-02                                                     
                                 26656.95 cm-1            1.19878e-02                                                     
                                 23325.36 cm-1            1.02682e-02                                                     
                                 19993.77 cm-1            7.61992e-03                                                     
                                 16662.19 cm-1            4.95672e-03                                                     
                                 13330.60 cm-1            2.83167e-03                                                     

Retrieving results from the calculation.

grid = num_results["grid"]

gs_potential = num_results["i_potential"]
gs_psi2 = num_results["i_psi"] ** 2
gs_vib_energies = num_results["i_vib_levels"]

es_potential = num_results["f_potential"]
es_psi2 = num_results["f_psi"] ** 2
es_vib_energies = num_results["f_vib_levels"]

exc = num_results["excitation_energies"]
osc = num_results["oscillator_strengths"]

Plotting potentials and vibrational wave functions.

fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 10))

for energy, psi2 in zip(gs_vib_energies, gs_psi2):
    ax1.plot(grid, energy + psi2, "k")

for energy, psi2 in zip(es_vib_energies, es_psi2):
    ax1.plot(grid, delta_E + energy + psi2, "k")

ax = plt.subplot()

ax.plot(grid, gs_potential)
ax.plot(grid, es_potential + delta_E)

ax.set_xlim(-1.5, 2.2)
ax.set_ylim(-0.01, 0.35)


Plotting the vibronic absorption and emission spectra.["absorption"], osc["absorption"], width=1000.0, label="Absorption")["emission"], osc["emission"], width=1000.0, label="Emission")

plt.xlabel(r"Excitation energies [cm$^{-1}$]")
plt.ylabel("Oscillator strength")