Rayleigh–Schrödinger perturbation theory#

Since the Hartree–Fock state in many cases approximates the exact electronic ground state wave function quite well, it is natural to use perturbation theory as a means to improve the description. The starting point it to divide the Hamiltonian into two parts

\[ \hat{H} = \hat{H}_0 + \hat{V} \]

where \(\hat{H}_0\) is some zeroth-order Hamiltonian and \(\hat{V}\) is the perturbation. The orthonormal eigenstates of \(\hat{H}_0\) are assumed to be known

\[ \hat{H}_0 | \Phi_n \rangle = \mathcal{E}_n | \Phi_n \rangle \]

The exact ground state is a solution to the time-independent Schrödinger equation

\[ \hat{H} | \Psi \rangle = E | \Psi \rangle \]

where \(| \Psi \rangle\) and \(E\) are expanded in orders of \(\hat{V}\)

\[\begin{align*} | \Psi \rangle & = \sum_{k=0}^\infty | \Psi^{(k)} \rangle \\ E & = \sum_{k=0}^\infty E^{(k)} \end{align*}\]

Such an order-by-order procedure may converge given that \(\hat{H}_0\) includes the main features of \(\hat{H}\), and that \(\hat{V}\) in some sense is significantly smaller than \(\hat{H}_0\). We get

\[ \big( \hat{H}_0 + \hat{V} \big) \sum_{k=0}^\infty | \Psi^{(k)} \rangle = \sum_{k,l} E^{(k)} | \Psi^{(l)} \rangle \]

Collecting terms to order \(m\) gives us the master equation of Rayleigh–Schrödinger pertubation theory (RSPT)

\[ \big( \hat{H}_0 - E^{(0)} \big) | \Psi^{(m)} \rangle = - \hat{V} | \Psi^{(m-1)} \rangle + \sum_{k=1}^m E^{(k)} | \Psi^{(m-k)} \rangle \]

Solving the RSPT master equation#

To zeroth order, we get

\[ \big( \hat{H}_0 - E^{(0)} \big) | \Psi^{(0)} \rangle = 0 \]

resulting in

\[ | \Psi^{(0)} \rangle = | \Phi_0 \rangle; \qquad E^{(0)} = \mathcal{E}_0 \]

We note that the component of \(| \Phi_0 \rangle\) in higher-order corrections \(| \Psi^{(m)} \rangle\) becomes undetermined since

\[ \big( \hat{H}_0 - E^{(0)} \big) \Big[ | \Psi^{(m)} \rangle + c_0^{(m)} | \Phi_0 \rangle \Big] = \big( \hat{H}_0 - E^{(0)} \big) | \Psi^{(m)} \rangle \]

We will choose \(c_0^{(m)} = 0\) such that \(\langle \Psi^{(0)} | \Psi^{(m)} \rangle = 0\) for \(m>0\). This corresponds to a choice of intermediate normalization

\[\begin{align*} \langle \Psi^{(0)} | \Psi \rangle & = \sum_{k=0}^\infty \langle \Psi^{(0)} | \Psi^{(k)} \rangle = \langle \Psi^{(0)} | \Psi^{(0)} \rangle = 1 \end{align*}\]

With this choice made, the energy corrections are easily obtained from the RSPT master equation by a projection with \(\langle \Psi^{(0)} |\):

\[ E^{(m)} = \langle \Psi^{(0)} | \hat{V} | \Psi^{(m-1)} \rangle; \quad m>0 \]

Wave function corrections are obtained from the RSPT master equation by multiplying with the inverse and projecting out the zeroth-order solution in accordance with choice of intermediate normalization

\[ | \Psi^{(m)} \rangle = - \hat{P} \big( \hat{H}_0 - E^{(0)} \big)^{-1} \hat{P} \Big[ \hat{V} | \Psi^{(m-1)} \rangle - \sum_{k=1}^{m-1} E^{(k)} | \Psi^{(m-k)} \rangle \Big] \]


\[ \hat{P} = \hat{I} - | \Psi^{(0)} \rangle\langle \Psi^{(0)} | \]

Numerical illustration#

Let us set up a ten-states model of a system. This setup includes defining a diagonal zeroth-order Hamiltonian matrix, \(H_0\), and a comparatively smaller perturbation matrix, \(V\), without coupling between the ground and first excited state. The state energy separation in the unperturbed system is customizable.

import numpy as np

np.set_printoptions(precision=4, suppress=True, linewidth=132)

def setup_system(energy_separation=0.5, verbose=False, n=10):

    E_0 = 1.5
    Phi_0 = np.zeros(n)
    Phi_0[0] = 1

    H_0_diag = np.arange(E_0, E_0 + energy_separation * n, energy_separation)
    H_0 = np.diag(H_0_diag)

    V = -0.1 * np.diag(np.random.rand(n) * 0.1)
    for i in range(2, n):
        V[i - 2 : i, i] = np.random.rand(2) * 0.25
    V = V + V.T

    H = H_0 + V

    eigval, _ = np.linalg.eigh(H)
    E_exact = eigval.min()

    # M = P * (H_0 - E_0)^{-1} * P
    M_diag = H_0_diag - E_0
    M_diag[0] = 1
    M = np.diag(1 / M_diag)
    M[0, 0] = 0

    E = [E_0]
    Psi = [Phi_0]

    if verbose:

    return E_exact, E, Psi, V, M

For a given system, the RSPT equations are solved to determine the energy up to a given order. In a first example, we consider a system where the separation energy is 0.50 and equals twice the maximum perturbation energy of 0.25.

E_exact, E, Psi, V, M = setup_system(energy_separation=0.5, verbose=True, n=10)
[[1.4931 0.     0.1577 0.     0.     0.     0.     0.     0.     0.    ]
 [0.     1.9948 0.2499 0.0431 0.     0.     0.     0.     0.     0.    ]
 [0.1577 0.2499 2.4836 0.1796 0.2426 0.     0.     0.     0.     0.    ]
 [0.     0.0431 0.1796 2.9848 0.1341 0.2125 0.     0.     0.     0.    ]
 [0.     0.     0.2426 0.1341 3.4843 0.2393 0.0742 0.     0.     0.    ]
 [0.     0.     0.     0.2125 0.2393 3.9982 0.1831 0.0795 0.     0.    ]
 [0.     0.     0.     0.     0.0742 0.1831 4.492  0.2116 0.2425 0.    ]
 [0.     0.     0.     0.     0.     0.0795 0.2116 4.9965 0.1532 0.0945]
 [0.     0.     0.     0.     0.     0.     0.2425 0.1532 5.4865 0.2328]
 [0.     0.     0.     0.     0.     0.     0.     0.0945 0.2328 5.9925]]
def rspt_solver(E_exact, E, Psi, V, M, verbose=False):

    error = [E[0] - E_exact]

    if verbose:
        print(" n   RSPT energy    Error")
        print(f" 0 {E[0]:12.8f} {error[0]:14.8f}")

    for m in range(1, 10):

        E.append(np.einsum("i,ij,j", Psi[0], V, Psi[m - 1]))
        error.append(np.array(E).sum() - E_exact)

        R = np.einsum("ij,j->i", V, Psi[m - 1])
        for k in range(1, m):
            R -= E[k] * Psi[m - k]

        Psi.append(np.einsum("ij,j->i", -M, R))

        if verbose:
            print(f"{m:2} {np.array(E).sum():12.8f} {error[-1]:14.8f}")

    return E, error
_ = rspt_solver(E_exact, E, Psi, V, M, True)
 n   RSPT energy    Error
 0   1.50000000     0.03590812
 1   1.49306122     0.02896934
 2   1.46820039     0.00410850
 3   1.46796433     0.00387245
 4   1.46420937     0.00011749
 5   1.46437373     0.00028185
 6   1.46401910    -0.00007279
 7   1.46407353    -0.00001836
 8   1.46407816    -0.00001372
 9   1.46408390    -0.00000798

Convergence of the ground state energy is reasonably smooth with significant increases in accuracy occurring at even orders in perturbation theory.

In a next illustration, we will study how the convergence depends on the state energy separation.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

for energy_separation in [0.18, 0.25, 0.3, 0.5, 1.0]:

    E_exact, E, Psi, V, M = setup_system(energy_separation, False, 10)
    E, error = rspt_solver(E_exact, E, Psi, V, M, False)

    plt.plot(range(10), error, label=f"Separation = {energy_separation:.2}")
plt.setp(plt.gca(), xlim=(0, 9), xticks=range(10))

plt.ylabel("Energy error")
plt.xlabel("RSPT order")


As clearly seen, the convergence rate and even success depends critically on the state energy separation. This is due to the fact the a smaller energy separation leads to larger inverse matrix in the RSPT equation from which we determine the state vector correction \( |\Psi^{(m)} \rangle\).

Size extensivity in RSPT#

A system composed of two noninteracting subsystems has a Hamiltonian that is separable

\[ \hat{H} = \hat{H}_A \otimes \hat{I}_B + \hat{I}_A \otimes \hat{H}_B \equiv \hat{H}_A + \hat{H}_B \]

where, in the last step, identity operators are left out and implicitly understood.

Zeroth- and first-order energies#

We assume that the unperturbed Hamiltonian (and thereby also the perturbation) is chosen as to also be separable. The zeroth-order wave function becomes

\[ |\Psi_{AB}^{(0)} \rangle = |\Psi_{A}^{(0)} \rangle \otimes |\Psi_{B}^{(0)} \rangle \]

and the associated zeroth-order energy reads

\[ E_{AB}^{(0)} = E_{A}^{(0)} + E_{B}^{(0)} \]

For the first-order energy correction, we straightforwardly get

\[ E_{AB}^{(1)} = \langle \Psi_{AB}^{(0)} | \hat{V} | \Psi_{AB}^{(0)} \rangle = E_{A}^{(1)} + E_{B}^{(1)} \]

Second-order energy#

The first-order wave function becomes

\[ |\Psi_{AB}^{(1)} \rangle = - \big( \hat{H}_0 - E^{(0)}_{AB} \big)^{-1} \big(\hat{V} - E_{AB}^{(1)} \big)| \Psi_{AB}^{(0)} \rangle \]

Operators and energies within parenthesis are separable but we need to investigate the effect of the inverse operation.

Let us introduce \(\hat{\Omega}_A = \hat{H}_{0;A} - E^{(0)}_{A}\) and use the identity

\[ - \big(\hat{\Omega}_A + \hat{\Omega}_B\big)^{-1} = - \hat{\Omega}_A ^{-1} + \big(\hat{\Omega}_A + \hat{\Omega}_B\big)^{-1} \hat{\Omega}_B \hat{\Omega}_A ^{-1} \]

For the first of these two terms, we get

\[ - \hat{\Omega}_A ^{-1} \big(\hat{V}_A - E_{A}^{(1)} \big)| \Psi_{A}^{(0)} \rangle = | \Psi_{A}^{(1)} \rangle \]

whereas for the second, we get

\[ \hat{\Omega}_B \hat{\Omega}_A ^{-1} \big(\hat{V}_A - E_{A}^{(1)} \big) | \Psi_{A}^{(0)} \rangle \otimes | \Psi_{B}^{(0)} \rangle = 0 \]


\[ \hat{\Omega}_B | \Psi_{B}^{(0)} \rangle = 0 \]

Collecting results for the two subsystems, the first-order correction to the wave function becomes

\[ |\Psi_{AB}^{(1)} \rangle = |\Psi_{A}^{(1)} \rangle \otimes |\Psi_{B}^{(0)} \rangle + |\Psi_{A}^{(0)} \rangle \otimes |\Psi_{B}^{(1)} \rangle \]

and the second-order correction to the energy is thereby shown to fulfill

\[ E_{AB}^{(2)} = \langle \Psi_{AB}^{(0)} | \hat{V} | \Psi_{AB}^{(1)} \rangle = E_{A}^{(2)} + E_{B}^{(2)} \]

In other words, RSPT has been shown to be size-extensive up to second order in perturbation theory.