How to cite and contact#
This e-book is published under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike license CC BY-SA.
The general eChem book reference is
Fransson, T., Delcey, M. G., Brumboiu, I. E., Hodecker, M., Li, X., Rinkevicius, Z., Dreuw, A., Rhee, Y. M., and Norman, P. Computational Chemistry from Laptop to HPC : A notebook exploration of quantum chemistry, (KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm), 2022.
If you find use for this book in your teaching, please also cite the following article describing some of the didactic aspects of eChem
Fransson, T., Delcey, M. G., Brumboiu, I. E., Hodecker, M., Li, X., Rinkevicius, Z., Dreuw, A., Rhee, Y. M., and Norman, P. “eChem: A Notebook Exploration of Quantum Chemistry”, J. Chem. Educ. 100, 1664–1671 (2023).
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