Orbitals and basis sets#
Electronic wave functions and molecular orbitals#
State vectors representing single-electron systems reside in a Hilbert space formed as a direct product
The underlying vector spaces are associated with orbital, charge, and spin degrees of freedom. The elements of \(\mathcal{V}\) can be expressed in terms of
with a sum that equals a general wave function for a single-electron system, also known as a spinor
In this general case, the particle density becomes
Spinor components \(\psi^{\mathrm{S}\alpha}\) and \(\psi^{\mathrm{S}\beta}\) are small and sometimes ignored, reducing the electronic wave function to its two-component form
For a system described by a spin-independent Hamiltonian, the spatial and spin degrees of freedom are separable and we arrive at (suppressing the time variable) single-electron wave functions, or spin orbitals, of the form
In the collinear approximation, all spin orbitals are eigenfunctions of the spin operator \(\hat{s}_z\) such that every spatial function (or molecular orbital), \(\phi(\mathbf{r})\), gives rise to two spin orbitals
referred to as \(\alpha\)- and \(\beta\)-spin orbitals, respectively.
Linear combination of atomic orbitals#
In quantum chemistry, molecular orbitals (MOs) are normally expanded in a set of atom-centered basis functions, or localized atomic orbitals (AOs)
where \(\mathbf{R}_\alpha\) denotes the atomic position center of basis function \(\chi_\alpha\), and the expansion coefficients \(c_{\alpha p}\) are known as molecular orbital (MO) coefficients. Using the Dirac notation, this linear combination of atomic orbitals (LCAO) expansion takes the form
It can be convenient to collect the set of MOs (and AOs) as a row vector and introduce a notation
The LCAO expansion for the entire set of MOs can then be compactly written as
where \(\mathbf{C}\) is the MO coefficient matrix.
Ordering of atomic orbitals#
The VeloxChem program orders AO basis functions based on
Angular momentum quantum number, \(l\)
Angular momentum quantum number, \(m_l\)
User-defined order of atoms
Considering carbon monoxide using a minimal basis set
import veloxchem as vlx
mol_str = """2
C 0.00000000 0.00000000 -0.71500000
O 0.00000000 0.00000000 0.71500000
molecule = vlx.Molecule.read_xyz_string(mol_str)
basis = vlx.MolecularBasis.read(molecule, "sto-3g", ostream=None)
scf_drv = vlx.ScfRestrictedDriver()
scf_results = scf_drv.compute(molecule, basis)
3Dmol.js failed to load for some reason. Please check your browser console for error messages.
The order of basis functions become
\(\chi_{1s}^{C}\), \(\chi_{2s}^{C}\), \(\chi_{1s}^{O}\), \(\chi_{2s}^{O}\), \(\chi_{2py}^{C}\), \(\chi_{2py}^{O}\), \(\chi_{2pz}^{C}\), \(\chi_{2pz}^{O}\), \(\chi_{2px}^{C}\), \(\chi_{2px}^{O}\)
And the resulting MO coefficients are available as
import numpy as np
np.set_printoptions(precision=3, suppress=True, linewidth=170)
C = scf_results["C_alpha"]
print("MO coefficient matrix:\n", C)
MO coefficient matrix:
[[ 0.001 0.994 0.091 -0.228 0.109 -0. 0. 0. 0. 0.105]
[-0.004 0.024 -0.26 0.836 -0.47 0. -0. 0. -0. -0.536]
[ 0.995 0. 0.231 0.114 0.036 -0. 0. 0. 0. -0.089]
[ 0.023 -0.005 -0.856 -0.526 -0.196 0. -0. -0. -0. 0.547]
[-0. 0. -0. -0. 0. 0.065 -0.426 0.911 -0.036 -0. ]
[-0. -0. -0. 0. 0. 0.128 -0.837 -0.548 0.022 -0. ]
[-0.004 0.004 -0.141 -0.003 0.621 -0. 0. -0. 0. -0.942]
[-0.003 0.002 0.112 -0.38 -0.578 0. -0. -0. -0. -0.852]
[ 0. -0. 0. 0. 0. 0.426 0.065 0.036 0.911 -0. ]
[ 0. 0. 0. -0. 0. 0.837 0.128 -0.022 -0.548 0. ]]
Overlap matrix#
The overlap between two basis functions is
and the overlap matrix can be written as
S = scf_results["S"]
print("Overlap matrix:\n", S)
Overlap matrix:
[[ 1. 0.248 0. 0.017 0. 0. 0. -0.031 0. 0. ]
[ 0.248 1. 0.022 0.255 0. 0. 0. -0.251 0. 0. ]
[ 0. 0.022 1. 0.237 0. 0. 0.036 0. 0. 0. ]
[ 0.017 0.255 0.237 1. 0. 0. 0.337 0. 0. 0. ]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 0.132 0. 0. 0. 0. ]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.132 1. 0. 0. 0. 0. ]
[ 0. 0. 0.036 0.337 0. 0. 1. -0.285 0. 0. ]
[-0.031 -0.251 0. 0. 0. 0. -0.285 1. 0. 0. ]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1. 0.132]
[ 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0.132 1. ]]
Basis sets of atomic orbitals#
Assign to molecule#
A basis set object associated with a molecule can be created with the read
basis = vlx.MolecularBasis.read(molecule, "cc-pVDZ", ostream=None)
Basis set library#
Our software comes distributed with several of the standard basis sets and families of basis sets. For a given element, the available basis sets in the VeloxChem library can be provided with the get_avail_basis
. Should a basis set not be included in the software distribution, it can be readily supplied by the user in a separate file in the working directory, with basis set parameters available from, e.g., Basis Set Exchange.
print("Available basis sets for carbon:\n", basis.get_avail_basis("C"))
Available basis sets for carbon:
['6-31++G', '6-31++G*', '6-31++G**', '6-31+G', '6-31+G*', '6-31+G**', '6-311++G', '6-311++G(2D,2P)', '6-311++G(3DF,3PD)', '6-311++G*', '6-311++G**', '6-311+G', '6-311+G(2D,P)', '6-311+G*', '6-311+G**', '6-311G', '6-311G(2DF,2PD)', '6-311G*', '6-311G**', '6-31G', '6-31G(2DF,P)', '6-31G(3DF,3PD)', '6-31G*', '6-31G**', 'ANO-L-MB', 'ANO-L-VDZP', 'ANO-L-VQZP', 'ANO-L-VTZP', 'ANO-RCC-MB', 'ANO-S-MB', 'ANO-S-VDZP', 'AO-START-GUESS', 'AUG-CC-PCV5Z', 'AUG-CC-PCVDZ', 'AUG-CC-PCVQZ', 'AUG-CC-PCVTZ', 'AUG-CC-PV5Z', 'AUG-CC-PV6Z', 'AUG-CC-PVDZ', 'AUG-CC-PVQZ', 'AUG-CC-PVTZ', 'AUG-PCSEG-0', 'AUG-PCSEG-1', 'AUG-PCSEG-2', 'AUG-PCSEG-3', 'AUG-PCSEG-4', 'AUG-PCX-1', 'AUG-PCX-2', 'AUG-PCX-3', 'AUG-PCX-4', 'CC-PCV5Z', 'CC-PCVDZ', 'CC-PCVQZ', 'CC-PCVTZ', 'CC-PV5Z', 'CC-PV6Z', 'CC-PVDZ', 'CC-PVQZ', 'CC-PVTZ', 'DAUG-CC-PCV5Z', 'DAUG-CC-PCVDZ', 'DAUG-CC-PCVQZ', 'DAUG-CC-PCVTZ', 'DAUG-CC-PV5Z', 'DAUG-CC-PV6Z', 'DAUG-CC-PVDZ', 'DAUG-CC-PVQZ', 'DAUG-CC-PVTZ', 'DEF2-QZVP', 'DEF2-QZVPD', 'DEF2-QZVPP', 'DEF2-QZVPPD', 'DEF2-SV(P)', 'DEF2-SVP', 'DEF2-SVPD', 'DEF2-TZVP', 'DEF2-TZVPD', 'DEF2-TZVPP', 'DEF2-TZVPPD', 'PCSEG-0', 'PCSEG-1', 'PCSEG-2', 'PCSEG-3', 'PCSEG-4', 'PCX-1', 'PCX-2', 'PCX-3', 'PCX-4', 'SADLEJ-PVTZ', 'STO-3G', 'STO-3G-OLD', 'STO-6G', 'TAUG-CC-PCV5Z', 'TAUG-CC-PCVDZ', 'TAUG-CC-PCVQZ', 'TAUG-CC-PCVTZ', 'TAUG-CC-PV5Z', 'TAUG-CC-PV6Z', 'TAUG-CC-PVDZ', 'TAUG-CC-PVQZ', 'TAUG-CC-PVTZ']
Table: Categories of basis set.
Category |
Character |
Example |
Minimal |
Single basis function per occupied atomic orbital, size for second-row elements is \([2s1p]\) |
STO-3G |
Double-\(\zeta\) |
Two basis functions per occupied valence atomic orbital, size for second-row elements is \([3s2p]\) |
6-31G |
Triple-\(\zeta\) |
Three basis functions per occupied valence atomic orbital, for second-row elements \([4s3p]\) |
6-311G |
Polarization |
Basis functions with higher angular momenta; important for chemical bonding; size for second-row elements is \([3s2p1d]\) |
cc-pVDZ |
Diffuse |
Basis functions with small exponents; important for excited states; sizes for second-row elements are \([4s3p]\) for 6-31+G and \([4s3p2d]\) for aug-cc-pVDZ |
6-31+G, aug-cc-pVDZ |
Number of basis functions#
The number of contracted and primitive basis functions are available from the get_dimensions_of_basis
and get_dimensions_of_primitive_basis
methods, respectively.
nbas = basis.get_dimensions_of_basis()
nprim = basis.get_dimensions_of_primitive_basis()
print("Number of contracted basis functions:", nbas)
print("Number of primitive basis functions:", nprim)
Number of contracted basis functions: 28
Number of primitive basis functions: 68
Additional information#
The molecular basis set label is retrieved with the get_label
label = basis.get_label()
print("Basis set label:", label)
Basis set label: CC-PVDZ
and additional basis set information is available:
print(basis.get_string('Atomic Basis'))
Molecular Basis (Atomic Basis)
Basis: CC-PVDZ
Atom Contracted GTOs Primitive GTOs
C (3S,2P,1D) (17S,4P,1D)
O (3S,2P,1D) (17S,4P,1D)
Contracted Basis Functions : 28
Primitive Basis Functions : 68